Daruma Progress Check #2 This progress check is going to be a bit different. We did quite a bit of research. I brought some of the group on two different field trips. The first field trip was to the Wings Over the Rockies Museum in Centennial that has the DA20 on a pole out front. We got to take a lot of pictures of it from below. The second field trip was to the Broomfield airport where Hannah and I got to fly around in a DA40 which is a slightly different plane in the same family. It’s a 4 seater, so it has a larger engine. The reason I mention that is because while we were out there, Hannah and I recorded some audio from the flight. There was also a change of plans for my tasking. Instead finishing the exterior, we decided that it would be better for me to get a working version of the interior of the plane for the animatic. So I got a real rough version of it going. List of Output:
Rough Interior of Plane.
Pictures of a Hannah as reference in the plane because she’s the same size as the main character in the short.
Animation reference of Hannah getting in and out of the plane.
New knowledge of how the plane works and some notes on the physics of the craft.
Raw audio of a plane from interior and exterior.
Goals by next progress check:
Submit geometry to rest of team for animatic and work with them for whatever they need.
Work on the audio to make it palatable (it’s quite loud right now.)
Work on detailing out the plane. May take more time than previously thought.